Permission to Dance – Graphic Art

It’s been a month since Permission to Dance came out. I remember being all excited when it dropped and so I made this piece for about 5 hours (cause I didn’t know how to set a black background – my mistake).But when I went through some of my art pieces, I realized there are a few that I haven’t posted about yet. And this was one of them.

For this piece, I used Autodesk Sketchbook and I downloaded the fonts to trace over them.

The process:

So after downloading the fonts and hollowing them out, I traced over them on another layer and alpha locked it. The struggle actually started with me trying to get the background black, but once I got that down, it became a lot easier.

Using an air brush, I went over the letters in white so that I can see them and then on a new layer which I placed on top of the trace, I used the purple on an air brush to give the fine details. For the gray, I used the air brush again on the same layer as that of the trace which was on alpha lock.

Once I was satisfied with the piece, I exported it into a png to save it as an image.

This piece kind of allowed me to test the waters with digital art, which is a new field that I am experimenting, along with acrylic paints. I intend to try to make some more pieces in the future.

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