Color gradients in a Flower Festival

As I sketched this, my mind started to waver to the different color gradients that a flower could possess. And the next thing that I had also pondered about was the way florists arranged these flowers in a flower festival.

The flowers are usually arranged in a particular design, or put together in a float or kept for display to the public. These festivals are mostly predominant in the spring time, where flower enthusiasts would travel to these places to have a look at these exhibits.

The best part about these exhibits are the garden arrangements made in the fields. You get to see a lot of different colors and when put together they simply look lovely.

I used to attend the Tulip Festival every year when I was little and I have to say, the arrangements were simply stunning to look at. If you haven’t been to a flower fest, you should definitely go and see one, cause you have no idea what you’re missing.

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